Las elecciones de 2018 y el triunfo de AMLO/Morena


  • Javier Esteinou Madrid


elections 2018, political opposition,, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), regime change, system crisis, dominant media, political communication, social networks


The overwhelming triumph of Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Morena’s political front in the federal and local elections of July 1, 2018, was an amazing event unprecedented in national history that stunned Mexican and international public opinion by the strength of the results. Thus, the majority of the population decided peacefully and democratically that the country should be heading, for the first time, in its modern history toward the establishment of a left-leaning nationalist government. Given this remarkable social and political evolution in Mexico, it is essential to explain why and how, unlike other periods of the country’s electoral history, in 2018 it was possible that such a radical mutation of the public powers in the Republic was possible. In order to understand the dimension that this represents. In order to understand this sui generis political phenomenon, political, social,cultural, communicative and mediatic factors must be considered, among others, to help us answer the question: Why, in 2018, the traditional strategies of political boycott did not work? system of power established applied in 2006 and 2012, preventing the electoral victory of AMLO; and in that last year of elections if the political success of Morena front was achieved “Together We Will Do History”?



How to Cite

Esteinou Madrid, J. (2019). Las elecciones de 2018 y el triunfo de AMLO/Morena. Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (89), 13–28. Retrieved from

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