Se busca otra globalización


  • Federico Novelo Urdanivia


The rationale for this work on the search for another form of globalization lies in the existence of significant evidence of contradictions, tension, cynicism, and hypocrisy in the presentation of the justifications, promises, and priorities (especially in the eco¬nomic arena) of the currently available globalization model as set forth in the Consensus of Washington. This, since 1989, has constituted an exclusively economic decalogue for the United States that corresponds to what Beck calls "globalism" and that, in the political and academic arenas of the Third World, is identified with the idea of neoliberalism.



How to Cite

Novelo Urdanivia, F. (2007). Se busca otra globalización. Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (46-47), 123–138. Retrieved from