La edad de la violencia

Infancias, juventudes y #Ayotzinapa


  • Eliud Torres Velázquez


social subject, subjectivity, power, politics, justice


This text reflects on aspects involved in different expressions of violence with those who are currently growing children and youth, in the light of that within two years of the forced disappearance of students Ayotzinapa. By reviewing various Mexican reactions and virtual walk during the first months after the event, it will be possible to develop arguments on consideration of children and youth as social subjects able to engage in political issues. The senses and practices that generate these childhoods and youths point to some possible reinterpretations of traditional speech and political activity adult, rejecting criticism of the State and multiple violence.



How to Cite

Torres Velázquez, E. (2016). La edad de la violencia: Infancias, juventudes y #Ayotzinapa. Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (81), 137–157. Retrieved from