Privatización de la infraestructura y los servicios públicos
Sus contradicciones.
The privatization of infrastructure and public services is one of the tenets of neoliberal policies of economic restructuring as applied in all of Latin America. Its justification, essentially ideological, did not take into account the objective determinants and contradictions which led to the control of the general conditions of reproduction of the social formation by the capitalist states, nor the particular characteristics of the operation of public enterprises. Its application, permeated by objective limits and problems, tends to manifest itself in the reappearance of the original contradictions which are at the heart of capitalist accumulation and the reproduction of the labor force. An integral part of the neoliberal policy of reduction of the value of the work force, such privatization has as a direct consequence greater impoverishment of the majority of the population and the accentuating of inequalities in regional and urban development.