Modernización y crecimiento demográfico en San Jerónimo Amanalco, Estado de México
An attempt is made to explain the effects of modernization on the demographic dynamics of a rural Mexican community: San Jeronimo Amanalco (state of Mexico). The demographic explosion registered in the community, during the second half of this century, can be attributed to three factors: firstly, the drop in mortality and secondly, though to a lesser extent, the earlier age at which marriages took place, which resulted in an increase in fertility. At the same time, the demographic explosion was strongly affected by the possibilities for salaried work outside of the unit of agricultural exploitation. This, in fact, permitted earlier marriages and the maintenance of children. The success of the salaried jobs was such that, despite enormous demographic growth and increasing pressure on natural resources, the purchasing power and, in general, the standard of living of the inhabitants of San Jeronimo Amanalco improved considerably.