Gobernabilidad, megalópolis y sustentabilidad en la región centro

Una aproximación conceptual al problema.


  • José Antonio Rosique Cañas


If we are to face the importance of the Metropolitan Zone of Mexico City, the growing importance of the Central Region, and the emergence of new megalopolitan phenomena, we have to accept the need to deal with Mexico City's future from a regional perspective. That is to say, from the Central Region towards the Metropolitan Zone, and, most of all, from the Metropolitan Zone towards its region. Fragmentation and sectorialization of necessary policies and actions should not substitute for the territorial integral-vision, claiming an incompatibility due to the existence of political-administrative and functional divisions.



How to Cite

Rosique Cañas, J. A. (2007). Gobernabilidad, megalópolis y sustentabilidad en la región centro: Una aproximación conceptual al problema. Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (41), 31–58. Retrieved from https://argumentos.xoc.uam.mx/index.php/argumentos/article/view/568


