Biopoder y biocapital. El trabajador como moderno homo sacer


  • Jaime Osorio


Giorgio Agamben, Biopoder, Biocapital, Michel Foucault


In this essay we establish the particularities of biopower within the context in which capital, its dynamic and display rein the sense and the organization of the World. From this horizon we take the ideas of Michel Foucault and Georgio Agamben, authors who discuss and outline such topics in their work. We sustain, against Agamben, that the current social order is the salaried worker, the modern homo sacer and that only by reveling such position we could comprehend the variety of shapes in which the capital puts life in interdiction, such as refugees, migrants, etc. This reflection offers arguments that justify the consideration of biocapital, a category that assumes and surpass, in Hegelian terms, that of biopower.



How to Cite

Osorio, J. (2007). Biopoder y biocapital. El trabajador como moderno homo sacer. Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (52), 77–98. Retrieved from

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