Entre las desigualdades de género

Un lugar para las mujeres pobres en la seguridad alimentaria y el combate al hambre


  • Ivonne Vizcarra Bordi


This paper analyses the inequality that women face under poverty and structural violence conditions. Women struggle to provide food to their family or prevent family from hunger. The study focuses on women of the South in general, and on women from rural areas in Mexico, in particular. In spite of inequality conditions which are reflected in women´s explotation, discrimination and exclusion, women are becoming visible in policies to combat poverty and hunger. Food security and gender problems cannot be solved under a structural violence which supports power relations, social asymmetries and hierarchies which are immersed on global processes. Key words: social inequality, gender, poverty, food security.



How to Cite

Vizcarra Bordi, I. (2009). Entre las desigualdades de género: Un lugar para las mujeres pobres en la seguridad alimentaria y el combate al hambre. Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (57), 141–170. Retrieved from https://argumentos.xoc.uam.mx/index.php/argumentos/article/view/424

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