La tierra en Chiapas en el marco de los "20 años de la rebelión zapatista"

La historia, la transformación, la permanencia


  • Luciano Concheiro
  • Nuñez. Violeta
  • Adriana Gómez


land reform in fact, EZLN, agricultural cores, revolutionary laws


One of the main objectives of low intensity warfare is isolating the guerrillas from their support bases and especially suppress the next generations of opponents. Indigenous infants are, as potential successors to the organization and community life, a target group of the military intelligence. However, the Zapatista children are not only victims of violence, but have become real actors, responding to it with their own practices of resistance and actively participating in the strategic efforts by the Zapatista Movement for the construction of their autonomy.



How to Cite

Concheiro, L., Nuñez. Violeta, ., & Gómez, A. (2014). La tierra en Chiapas en el marco de los "20 años de la rebelión zapatista": La historia, la transformación, la permanencia. Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (73), 37–55. Retrieved from