Los pueblos indígenas en las constituciones de México
political constitutions, indigenous peoples, indian tribes, Mexican Revolution, multicultural nationAbstract
This article deals with the way in which the rights of indigenous peoples have been incorporated into the constitutions of Mexico. It begins by explaining the importance of being clear about the term called political constitution, as well as the position from where it is used. It then presents a classic typology of constitutions as tools for analysis. The analysis is held in three constitutions of Mexico: two historical from the nineteenth century and one from the twentieth century in force, along with their respective reforms. From the nineteenth century constitution, it is exposed how despite the fact that the indigenous population was numerically greater at that time, their rights were not recognized, and when they were mentioned it was only for the Mexican government to fight them. From the twentieth century one, it is highlighted how in the beginning were only recognized the agrarian rights of communities and it was until the end of the century when the constitution was reformed to recognize some minimum rights. This work/investigation concludes by postulating that a good stretch of road is missing for the rights of indigenous peoples to be a reality. Moreover, this will be possible with the union and fight of all Mexicans.
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