El concepto de cultura sanitaria

Una aproximación desde la perspecyiva de género.


  • Mayra L. Chávez-Courtois


The development of the concept of sanitary culture has been worked since 1950, mainly in medi¬cal sociology, that concept has alouded from social science and humanities perspective, to under¬stand the wellness-dissease-atenttion system, taking as a base diferent variables socialdemography and socio-cultural context. This learning has been and continue being an a addition to better understan the health issue. The intention of the present writting is a theorical colaboration to the heatlh issue, considering other issues like medical and simbolical anthropology, as well as gendre studies, with the finality of keep strong the work multi and interdisciplinary.



How to Cite

Chávez-Courtois, M. L. (2007). El concepto de cultura sanitaria: Una aproximación desde la perspecyiva de género. Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (45), 59–80. Retrieved from https://argumentos.xoc.uam.mx/index.php/argumentos/article/view/539


