Centralidad política, votos y balas: Chiapas, 1911


  • Diana Guillén


This article pursues some general ideas about the political model and election mechanisms that began to emerge in Mexico during its transition to independence, a period that saw the development of the contradictions of republicanism based on imaginary citizenship and the reproduction of channels for political participation and coercion that conflicted with autochthonous societal structures. Thus, at the onset of the 1910 Revolution, Chiapas was a small piece in the traditional mosaic of the practices of corruption and intimidation that both political parties and government organizations and institutions used to secure power. These specific characteristics were those assumed in Chiapas during the elections that ended the rule of Porfirio Diaz and inaugurated, under Madero, a new period in the republican history that had been defining itself for almost a century.



How to Cite

Guillén, D. (2007). Centralidad política, votos y balas: Chiapas, 1911. Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (46-47), 41–62. Retrieved from https://argumentos.xoc.uam.mx/index.php/argumentos/article/view/525