Hacia una conducción política presidencialista con sistema de partidos

La reforma del Estado en México, 1982-1997


  • Augusto Gardy Bolivar Espinoza
  • Óscar Cuéllar Saavedra


TOWARD PRESIDENTIALIST POLITICAL LEADERSHIP WITH A PARTY SYSTEM. STATE REFORM IN MEXICO, 1982-1997 This article offers an overview of the 1982-1997 period of state reform in Mexico vis-à-vis the exercise of power and in terms of conjunctural analysis: study of the conjuntural situation, process follow-up, and construction of periods. With these criteria the reform of the state is divided into two main conjunctures that define two subperiods: the firs is called "The crisis of presidentialist political leadership, 1982-1994" and the second is "The transition to political leadership with a party system, 1994-1997. "The article's central hypothesis is that over more than a decade a half, Mexico evolved from a system that, wuile still maintaining key features of the regime established in 1917, has changed substantially thanks to the implementation of far reaching institutional control policies.



How to Cite

Bolivar Espinoza, A. G., & Cuéllar Saavedra, Óscar. (2007). Hacia una conducción política presidencialista con sistema de partidos: La reforma del Estado en México, 1982-1997. Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (46-47), 7–40. Retrieved from https://argumentos.xoc.uam.mx/index.php/argumentos/article/view/524