Crisis de la gobernabilidad en Venezuela
El neopopulismo bajo los medios de comunicación
The Venezuelan democracy has confronted a transition stage that does not conclude. And the crises as a result of the declivity of the political parties as suitable bridges to dissolve the social conflict follow effective. It has mined the representative forms to think the democracy and its political institutions of the hand of the political ungovernability. Thus to rethink the policy is priority at the time of giving to interpretations on the sprouting of leaderships of charismatic cut Populist, who of the civic fatigue (political disaffection) and the antipolicy has pronounced itself, in the little or null professionalization of the political representatives come to less in leaderships anti-parties, invoking plebiscitary forms to interpret the democracy, under mass media in a video-political. And it entails to a system of crisis of the democracy with a constitution that the effective government does not organize. Key words: ungovernability, governability, democracy, antipolicy, neopopulism, Venezuela.