La figura de la madre en la poética vallejiana Trilce


  • Araceli Soni Soto


Cesar Vallejo, mother, archetype


In the poetry of Cesar Vallejo, the figure of the mother has occupied a place of unquestionable importance; in her image others come together: the lover, the children, the Earth and the humanity in its different forms of life. This work analyzed the image of the mother in Trilce according to its archetype conception, that its to say, It will be observed how the treatment of the subject by the poet, relate to the myths of origin, and Christianity, given the cultural inheritance of Vallejo, and to the surroundings within Trilce was created. For this, the concept of symbol will be used as analysis tool, since this allows to visualize aspects such as form, and meaning.


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How to Cite

Soni Soto, A. (2009). La figura de la madre en la poética vallejiana Trilce. Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (60), 191–209. Retrieved from