En busca del sujeto perdido
Inteligancia artificial
The article presents an alternative proposal that analyzes the notion of subject in the postmodernity in the movie Artificial Intelligence of Spielberg-Kubrick. On it, the authoress give us a tour within the history of the “subject”, concept aiming at the features that have highlighted the term across times and philosophies. In order to illustrate it, she recaptures the aristotelican roots of this notion, as well as the Cartesian, Freudian and Hegelian bases of “self ”. The research includes, also, reflections that, with the pretext of the movie, will lead us to try new definitions of the individual in current times.
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Título original: A.I. Artificial Intelligence.
Producción: Dreamworks Skg, Warner Bros. Pictures, Amblin Entertaiment.
Año: 2001.
País: Estados Unidos.
Director: Steven Spielberg.
Guión: Steven Spielberg e Ian Watson (Historia: Brian Aldiss).
Música: John Williams.
Fotografía: Janusz Kaminski.
Reparto: Haley Joel Osment, Jude Law, Frances O’Connor, Brendan Gleeson, William Hurt, Jake Thomas, Sam Robards.