Cuerpo y tecnología

La virtualidad como espacio de acción contemporánea


  • José Alberto Sánchez Martínez


body, technology, space, action, reflexion


It isn’t extrange to say that virtuality like technological characteristic of contemporary communication is every time more vinculated with the social structures. Is a common social fact even the huge differences that presents the life today. Virtuality subsists thanks to two characteristics; by one hand, the digitalization; and the other hand the Internet. Is from this triple relation that virtuality shows differents problems, that not only refers to the difficulty of access, it also refers to the frame of reference of symbolic function. The body is one of them. Virtuality has the faculty of disrupt person’s body for creates communication, that is why the body plays an important role in the relationships in the Internet. This job explores the relations between body and technology using virtuality like subject of reflexion.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Martínez, J. A. (2010). Cuerpo y tecnología: La virtualidad como espacio de acción contemporánea. Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (62), 227–245. Retrieved from