Estado, golpes de Estado y militarización en América Latina

Una reflexión histórico política


  • Felipe Victoriano


Latin-American State, military’s dictatorships, Cold War, Fascism


The profound political and economical transformations that Latin America has lived in the last 50 years are the result of the military process that the Continent suffered along the 60’ and 70’, having as its main characteristic, the progressive degradation in the role of the State as the articulator of the public life and the economic development. The reflections that follow attempt to trace a historical and political reflection surrounding these transformations trough a critic revision of the literature generated on the subject. The intension is to give an alternative lecture to the scenario of violence lived in Latin America, taking in to account the intense repressive processes that were incorporated as determinant elements of regional integration in the context of the Cold War.


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How to Cite

Victoriano, F. (2010). Estado, golpes de Estado y militarización en América Latina: Una reflexión histórico política. Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (64), 175–194. Retrieved from


