Crisis global e integración europea:

perspectivas de la periferia sureste


  • Germán A. de la Reza Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Xochimilco


Unión Europea, crisis global, sureste europeo, inestabilidad económica, admisión a la UE.


This paper analyzes the effects of the global crisis on the Southeast Europe and its prospects for economic recovery. With that goal it has been structured into the following sections: The first section examines the region in its most important features, the second the convergence in living standards between the European Union and the region. From the third to the fifth it discusses the crisis in different ways and at last the feasibility of recovery policies proposed by various institutions. This work is part of the current that accepts the interdependence between the financial and the real economy recovery, but the first improves only if the second is well established.

Author Biography

Germán A. de la Reza, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Xochimilco

Doctor en Teoría de Sistemas (Universidad Toulouse Le Mirail) y doctor en Ciencias Económicas (Universidad de París II). Profesor-investigador del Departamento de Producción Económica de la UAM-Xochimilco. Ha sido investigador de la Universidad de Estocolmo y del Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas de la UNAM. Miembro del SNI, nivel III.



How to Cite

A. de la Reza, G. (2012). Crisis global e integración europea:: perspectivas de la periferia sureste. Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (70), 61–75. Retrieved from