La influencia de los Borgia en el pensamiento político de Maquiavelo


  • Roberto García Jurado


reinassance, prince, virtue, pope, church


Family Borgia was very important in the Renaissance history. Some of them had important political and religious charges. Machiavelli mentioned two of them in The Prince: the pope Alexander VI and his son Cesare Borgia. Both personages had an important part in the Italian history of the time and influenced in a right way the Machiavelli’s political thought: Alexander because he consolidated the church power in order to transformer it in an obstacle to the italian unity called in the final part of The Prince, Cesare because was the model of new prince adopted by Machiavelli to get that national unity. This paper analyze the historical conditions around these personages and the way in which influenced the Machiavelli's thought.


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How to Cite

García Jurado, R. (2013). La influencia de los Borgia en el pensamiento político de Maquiavelo. Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (72), 241–269. Retrieved from

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