Otras razones del neodesarrollismo (o porqué se desconoció a la teoría marxista de la dependencia)


  • Fernando Correa Prado


Brazilian social-economic thought, Marxist dependency theory, political formation


The debate about dependency in Latin America was immense. Intellectuals and activists of varied origin and political affiliation adopted the issue of dependency, often using this concept as a central element of their analysis on the peripheral regions, particularly on the Latin American region. This extensive debate took place in many Latin American countries and also in other parts of the world, generating a firm theoretical basis and historical interpretation about the role of Latin America within the world capitalist system, and about ways of overcoming political contradictions of the peripheral and dependent structure. In Brazil, however, this history was quite different. There existed a kind of “unique thought” on dependency analysis, focused largely on the approach produced by Fernando Henrique Cardoso, giving place to a relative ignorance and even deformation of the contributions inserted in the Marxist tradition. Reveal how it was produced and presented in several influential publications is the main intention of this paper.



How to Cite

Correa Prado, F. (2013). Otras razones del neodesarrollismo (o porqué se desconoció a la teoría marxista de la dependencia). Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (72), 99–128. Retrieved from https://argumentos.xoc.uam.mx/index.php/argumentos/article/view/206