Mediaciones tecnocomunicativas, movilizaciones globales y disputas por la visibilidad en el espacio público

Análisis del surgimiento del #YoSoy132


  • Maricela Portillo


techno-communicatives mediations, global movements, visibility, public space


In this paper the analysis and reflection of the emergence of the movement # YoSoy132 is presented. An interesting movement for many reasons that we will explain throughout this work. It´s the first Mexican student movement of the century, who stars in the Millennial Generation, Generation @ or as we call it in other papers, Generation 2.0. The # YoSoy132- also adds to the cycle of global movements that are occurring in different parts of the world and with young people as protagonists: the Arab Spring, the Indignados, and Occupy Wall Street or Chilean student movement. This article is divided into four stages: 1) the discussion on the generational issue, 2) data about Mexican youth and internet access, 3) characterization of the social movements of the millennium and, 4) analysis of the processes of visibility of young people through the emergence # YoSoy132.



How to Cite

Maricela Portillo, . (2014). Mediaciones tecnocomunicativas, movilizaciones globales y disputas por la visibilidad en el espacio público: Análisis del surgimiento del #YoSoy132. Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (75), 173–192. Retrieved from