Voces clandestinas en la Red

Aproximación a las estrategias del “narcodiscurso”


  • Silvia Tabachnik


underground, internet, illegalities, enunciation, rhetoric


We define clandestinity as a specific regime of enunciation and visibility that affects processes of production and circulation of certain discourses marginalized from “what can and must be said and heard.” Its access to the public realm, therefore, requires the implementation of specific ennunciative and rhetorical strategies that we aim to explore in this work, focusing on the case of the “drug trafficking discourse” on the Web. Excluded from the mass communications media scene, the word clandestine finds today in “cyberspace” an echoing environment particularly suitable to compose its own narrative, diffuse its beliefs and values and most of all, to include itself with “its own voice” in the dispute over the imposition of legitimate representations.



How to Cite

Silvia Tabachnik, . (2014). Voces clandestinas en la Red: Aproximación a las estrategias del “narcodiscurso”. Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (75), 103–118. Retrieved from https://argumentos.xoc.uam.mx/index.php/argumentos/article/view/164