De las redes a las calles

#YoSoy132y la búsqueda de un imaginario político alternativo


  • Raúl Diego Rivera Hernández


#YoSoy132, social media, online activism, street activism, political imaginary


In this paper, I am interested in analyzing the role of social media and information and communication technologies (ICT) adopted by movements like #YoSoy132 as a means of challenging the strategies of media outlets supporting Enrique Peña Nieto’s candidacy and presidency. I argue that digital tools and platforms work as informative counterweights while simultaneously producing interconnected options of online and street activism. To conclude, I claim that the emergence of #YoSoy132 increases opportunities for citizen involvement in public affairs by strengthening a political imaginary that offers an alternative to that of the traditional model of democratic participation.



How to Cite

Raúl Diego Rivera Hernández, . (2014). De las redes a las calles: #YoSoy132y la búsqueda de un imaginario político alternativo. Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (75), 59–78. Retrieved from