Nuevos espacios para la acción campesina

El mercado como horizonte de oportunidad para los pequeños caficultores mexicanos


  • Silvia Nuria Jurado


peasants, Coffee producers, fair trade, market


When we talk about peasant struggles we usually think about the property of land or several production processes, this direct us to spaces where people protest on the Street, where they do the grounding or acquiere tools or places to make food processes or call the people by social network etc., that is to say, they give us ideas about the places for peasant fight, however there is another which nota ll the time we see clearly, i am talking about the international market, space where several sectors of peasant activity are linked and i am interested to talk about the small coffe producers in México, who through fair trade are going forward step by step in the big and paved market space.



How to Cite

Silvia Nuria Jurado, . (2014). Nuevos espacios para la acción campesina: El mercado como horizonte de oportunidad para los pequeños caficultores mexicanos. Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (76), 221–240. Retrieved from