Mutual aid and mental health beyond the syndemic
A psyco-social perspective from the Basaglia Brigade's experience
mutual support, mental health, syndemic, Basaglia BrigadeAbstract
The Basaglia Brigade is a group of mental health activists born in Italy during the COVID 19 pandemic. During 2020, their work has focused on providing psychological first aid, but the evolution of the crisis led the group to a theoretical and practical reflection on the relationship between mental health and mutual aid. Since March 2020, COVID 19 has been causing many psychological difficulties and the months of social isolation have given rise to emotional distress, relational conflicts, and community problems. It became urgent to collect and discuss the variety of stressful and complex situations that the psychologists and activists faced during the first 15 months of accompaniment. The objective of the following research work is to collect experiences of activism focused on psychosocial support during the emergency, as well as to discuss thoughts, emotions and perspectives from the experience of mutual aid in mental health in Italy.
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