The concept of the State in the institutional analysis


  • Roberto Manero Brito Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Xochimilco



State, Modern State, State-Unconscious, Institutionalization


In this essay, the concept of State is presented from the perspective of Henri Lefebvre and René Lourau. For Lefebvre, its origins have to do with the moment in which the State had to take charge of economic growth. A State Mode of Production is generated, which is characterized by a State model, called the Modern State, which acts by institutionalizing everything in its path. René Lourau’s concept, the unconscious-state, was worked on with Lefebvre, and is also characterized by this function, but includes the corollary of the Mühlmann effect. If Lefebvre states that the overflows of said State must be analyzed, for Lourau, the question of whether the State can be analyzed refers to the analysis of the implications, and to the effect of the analyzers.

Author Biography

Roberto Manero Brito, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Xochimilco

Profesor-investigador en el Departamento de Educación y Comunicación, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Xochimilco. Miembro del Área de Investigación “Los procesos grupales e institucionales y sus interrelaciones”, y del Cuerpo Académico “Memoria y futuro. Creación imaginaria en procesos instituyentes”, su libro más reciente es Más allá del horror. Ensayos sobre la construcción social de las víctimas de la violencia (UAM, 2021) []. 



How to Cite

Manero Brito, R. (2022). The concept of the State in the institutional analysis. Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (98), 137–154.