The State in the Latin American pink tide

Some general considerations


  • Alberto Bonnet Buenos Aires University



Latin America, pink tide, State, democracy


The social struggles and the crisis of neoliberalism at the end of the 1990s and the beginning of the following decade allowed, in several Latin American countries, the rise to power of progressive or populist governments (the pink tide). The policies implemented by these governments involved greater degrees of state intervention and, consequently, brought about a return to the political agenda of the problem of the role of the capitalist state in the transformation of society. In this article we want to propose some general considerations on this problem, focusing on the following questions: did these policies bring about radical changes in the state? To what extent did these changes modify the political relations between the state and society? And to what extent can we consider these changes as progressive?

Author Biography

Alberto Bonnet, Buenos Aires University

Doctor en sociología (BUAP, México), magíster en historia económica y de las políticas económicas y licenciado en filosofía (UBA, Argentina). Es profesor-investigador en la Universidad de Buenos Aires y la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Es autor/coautor de una decena de libros y de numerosos artículos de análisis de la sociedad contemporánea y reflexión sobre la teoría crítica de la sociedad. 



How to Cite

Bonnet, A. (2022). The State in the Latin American pink tide: Some general considerations. Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (98), 93–110.