Moralización y evolución institucional en la apropiación de un recurso de uso común


  • Fernando Jiménez Tovar


social dilemma, institutional evolution, common pool resource, agent based model


Moralization is a common process that promotes the internalization of norms and can even cause changes in the institutional structure (Rozin, 1999); although traditionally moralization processes are related to the issues in the domain of health, in recent years the dilemmas of appropriation of CPR and New Commons have acquired moral dyes (Pinker, 2012). This paper seeks to answer the following questions. First, how does the process of moralization can help us explain, using Ostrom’s ADICO2 grammar, the process of institutional evolution in the appropriation of a CPR? Second, using an Agent Based Model to simulate a dilemma of appropriation of a CPR, what is the effect of a moralization process on the system performance? As a result, will be shown that unlike traditional cases in which a single process of moralization (usually negative) acts (Rozin, 1999), in dilemma situations, including the case of the dilemmas of appropriation of a CPR, two moralization processes (negative and positive) are presented simultaneously, through which it is possible to achieve a socially beneficial solution to the dilemma of appropriation.


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How to Cite

Fernando Jiménez Tovar, . (2015). Moralización y evolución institucional en la apropiación de un recurso de uso común. Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (77), 13–32. Retrieved from