Contradicciones y límites de la política agroalimentaria en México

De la seguridad alimentaria a la Cruzada contra el hambre


  • Blanca Olivia Acuña Rodarte


agro-alimentary policy, food security, social policy, hunger, assistentialism


The food crisis of 2008 revealed the failure of the agroalimentary model at the international level. According to several sources, poverty in Mexico associated with alimentary limitations affected more than 27 million people (Coneval, 2013). The causes are to be found in a policy that has disarticulated production from the supply of basic grains. Today, the problem of feeding  the  poorest  population  sectors  is  approached  through  assistance  programs  and  conditioned  transfers.  The  text  guess  that  initiatives  like  Oportunidades  (today  Prospera)  and  the Cruzada contra el hambre, have failed last years reduce poverty, precisely for its assisting focus  and  the  emphasis  about  alimentary  guarantee  access.  In  this  context,  a  new  tendency  in the discourse and policy regarding food security is being configured: one that extrapolates the  alimentary  problem  by  reducing  it  simply  to  “hunger”,  zooming  in  through  a  strictly  circumscribed focus that justifies reducing transfers towards the population living in extreme conditions while legitimizing neo-productive projects. But these interventions of a technical character are by no means exempt from contradictions. Affected by decisions foreign to their socio-alimentary practices, the actors involved manifest a variety of mechanisms of resistance that run from dissuasion to organized action.



How to Cite

Blanca Olivia Acuña Rodarte, . (2015). Contradicciones y límites de la política agroalimentaria en México: De la seguridad alimentaria a la Cruzada contra el hambre. Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (79), 241–263. Retrieved from