El ocaso del PRD. Del consenso y la competencia fraccional a la degeneración partidaria


  • Alberto Espejel Espinoza


The work explores the process of fractionalism in the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), which went from the consensus around a leader to the struggles between fractions, whose consequence has been the fall of the PRD at the worst moment of its organizational history. From a qualitative approach and supported by the new historical institutionalism, the organizational development of the PRD is studied. The main finding is to provide evidence that, in the absence of a leader who can generate consensus, excessive fragmentation, the appropriation of government positions for the benefit of groups (not of militancy or citizens) and the poor results of the government have buried the once most important centerleft party in Mexico.



How to Cite

Espejel Espinoza, A. (2019). El ocaso del PRD. Del consenso y la competencia fraccional a la degeneración partidaria. Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (89), 205–220. Retrieved from https://argumentos.xoc.uam.mx/index.php/argumentos/article/view/1060