El concepto de responsabilidad como clave de lectura de "Los orígenes del totalitarismo"


  • María de los Ángeles Cantero


responsibility, totalitarianism, evasion, action, humanity


The concept of responsibility centrally transverses Arendt’s thought, which makes it pertinent to assume it as key to the reading of her texts. In the present article this analytical perspective focuses in The Origins of Totalitarianism. Considering that totalitarianism is a regime of total domination that eliminates responsibility, this task makes use of discovery by contrast, that is, a way to recognize the –so to say– “positive” meaning of responsibility, by means of the analysis of every form used by totalitarianism to escape it and abolish it. To show the haul from the evasion to the abolition of responsibility, the theories and the forms of escape from responsibility are presented in the first place. Then, there will be a consideration for two prominent points of the way trodden by totalitarianism to impose a model of man whose center is the abolition of responsibility: a) the rupture with reality and the abolition of the capacity for thought, and b) the principle that “everything is possible” and the suppression of the idea of humanity. Last, some conclusions about the concept of responsibility.



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How to Cite

María de los Ángeles Cantero, . (2015). El concepto de responsabilidad como clave de lectura de "Los orígenes del totalitarismo". Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (79), 15–32. Retrieved from https://argumentos.xoc.uam.mx/index.php/argumentos/article/view/105