Disciplina parlamentaria en México.

El caso de la Coalición Pacto por México y sus reformas legislativas


  • Cirilo García Luna
  • Héctor Gómez Peralta


legislative coalitions, Pact for Mexico, political parties in Mexico, parliamentary discipline, parliamentary groups.


This article analyzes the behavior of the different parliamentary groups that, from 2012 to 2014, approved an ambitious reform package known as the “Pact for Mexico”. The complexity of the coalitions is shown in terms of the fact that the different parties that supported the Pact for Mexico did so in a differentiated way depending on the different ideological positions of the parties, the level of parliamentary discipline and the dissidence of deputies in the particular to the reforms. In this way, contrary to the idea that the Legislative lost its role as a counterweight to the Executive, it shows how each of the parties reached different dimensions of support for the coalition in a scenario of debate and disputes between and within the same. In the first part of the research, a quantitative analysis of the legislative behavior is carried out before each of the reforms and an overall vision; In the second part, the legislative position of each of the three parties that participated in the coalition is analyzed. Finally, some conclusions are offered on the impact of legislative coalitions (in particular the Pact for Mexico) in the Mexican political system.


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How to Cite

García Luna, C., & Gómez Peralta, H. (2019). Disciplina parlamentaria en México.: El caso de la Coalición Pacto por México y sus reformas legislativas. Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (87), 175–204. Retrieved from https://argumentos.xoc.uam.mx/index.php/argumentos/article/view/1036