Deuda, deflación y crisis del euro


  • Ignacio Perrotini Hernández Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


deuda soberana, deflación, salarios, sistemas monetarios, política monetaria, política fiscal.


Europe’s on-going crisis, mistakenly dubbed as “a sovereign-debt crisis”, boils down to a crisis of the eurozone’s institutional foundations with regards monetary and fiscal policy, which, in turn, paved the way for the anchor country (Germany) and other surplus economies (Austria,Belgium, France and Netherlands) to follow wage-deflationary and beggar thy neighbour policies that, eventually, trigger financial fragility and debt crises within a suboptimal and asymmetric monetary union. Therefore, the conventional policies (deflation and fiscal austerity) implemented to tackle the crisis, akin to the old Treasury View and Say’s Law, will in all probability worsen the situation in peripheral Europe. It is argued that Europe should, instead, bridge its current institutional asymmetries and adopt expansionary policies with a view to improve economic activity and employment.

Author Biography

Ignacio Perrotini Hernández, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Doctor en Economía y maestro en Ciencias Políticas. Imparte docencia desde 1979 en la Facultad de Economía-UNAM y es director de la Revista Investigación Económica. Recientemente coeditó el libro Market Liberalism, Growth and Economic Development in Latin America, Routledge, Londres 2011. Miembro del SNI, nivel III.



How to Cite

Perrotini Hernández, I. (2012). Deuda, deflación y crisis del euro. Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (70), 15–35. Retrieved from