José María Arguedas, Mario Vargas Llosa, y el Papacha Oblitas


  • Adolfo Gilly


In La utopía arcaica José María Arguedas y las ficciones del indigenismo (FCE, México, 1996), Mario Vargas Llosa makes an ideological, political and literary critique of the work of the writer José María Arguedas (1911 – 1969). Vargas Llosa contrasts his idea of Peru in the process of a rapid modernization, with the Andean indigenous view in the novels and essays written by Arguedas. This controversy is still present in the discussions on the Andean world. The essay, that reviews the work and ideas of José María Arguedas, analyzes the scope and the literary and cultural meanings of both views.



How to Cite

Gilly, A. (2006). José María Arguedas, Mario Vargas Llosa, y el Papacha Oblitas. Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (50), 99–113. Retrieved from