Paz, estabilidad y legitimidad, 1990-2025/2050


  • Immanuel Wallerstein Universidad del Estado de Nueva York


In this essay Wallerstein examines the perspectives of the world system fore the near future in the light of the theory of the capitalist world system. In accordance with this view three historical dimensions: In the short run, in which the present situation is defined in terms of Kondratieff cycles; according to the secular tendencies of the system where the present is defined as characterized by the decadence of North American hegemony; and, finally, with respect to the unforeseeability proper to the oscillatory period in which the system as a whole has entered and which opens up the possibility of its own transformation. Within this framework some contemporary processes, which constitute social and political problems, are examined and connections are established, this giving coherence to the whole picture and permitting prognoses of some precision.

Author Biography

Immanuel Wallerstein, Universidad del Estado de Nueva York

Sociólogo e historiador. Fue director del Centro Fernand Braudel para el Estudio de Economías, Sistemas Históricos y Civilizaciones en la Universidad del Estado de Nueva York (SUNY) en Binghamton, director de la revista Review de ese mismo Centro y presidente de la Asociación Internacional de Sociología (ISA). Entre sus últimas publicaciones en español se cuentan Después del liberalismo (1996); El futuro de la civilización capitalista (1997) y, como coordinador, Abrir las ciencias sociales (1996).



How to Cite

Wallerstein, I. (2012). Paz, estabilidad y legitimidad, 1990-2025/2050. Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (69), 59–80. Retrieved from