The crisis of traditional party systems and the rise of populism in the European Union
The difficult political balance between national sovereignty and supranational neoliberalism
neoliberal globalization, european integration, cleavage, populism, winners/loosers, euro-skeptics/pro-EUAbstract
The integration of the European Union, framed by the neoliberal globalization, has led to the emergence of a new axis of social conflict that has modified the national political spaces of its member states. The project of transforming the European Union into a supranational political structure and a unified neoliberal market transformed the social foundations on which national party systems traditionally rested. In that context, the divergences between the proposals of party elites and the expectations and perceptions of ordinary citizens widened and the representativity of traditional parties weakened. The social and attitudinal changes, and the unwise responses of the traditional parties were expressed in an electoral dealignment and created a new political space that populist parties, from right or left, began to occupy.
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