En busca del tiempo libre.


  • Mc Phail Fanger


This article proposes an analytic frame of reference and a qualitative methodology for the purpose of describing and analyzing the relationship free time-gender, not only as a practice, but as an experience in order to explore the place that free time occupies in the every-day life of 15 women al'ld 15 men, city-dwellers. It suggests a classification of free time according to the patterns reported from field work and it articulates the relationship free time-gender with the different ambits it encompasses. It reports differences not only regarding gender, but also concerning the non-conventional spaces that the two groups (male and female) define as free time, based on which, autonomous relations can be constructed.



How to Cite

Mc Phail Fanger, . (2007). En busca del tiempo libre. Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (27), 7–26. Retrieved from https://argumentos.xoc.uam.mx/index.php/argumentos/article/view/684


