Una Constitución (1917) y algunos licenciados Tarabilla
laws, constitution, parresia, dialogue, justice, political cunning, balance of forcesAbstract
In the first part the present essay brieflay analyzes the tow main ways of understanding and applying the laws (Greek and Roman) inherited by Western civilization, and which in one way or another are preserved in the modern wordl, and the importance they hold for A society faced: pacts, agreements, contracs, constitutions, to obtain social peace. A second part highlights some of the discussions that the constituents of 1917 made in Mexico, highlighting the significance of the event, and de Republican capacity of several of the participants. The discussions, agreements and disagreements therein still represent an important lesson for a nation that, until today, struggles to form itself as a more just and equitable entity capable of overcoming the present misery it faces. It is worth noting that part of the title of the essay is inspired by an instructive political anecdote contained in the debates of the constituent Congress of 1917.
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