Autobiografías y género


  • Elsie McPhail Fanger


As tradition or apparent objectivity, the social sciences and the humanities have omitted any reference to the author, responsible of the research process. This emptiness that the lack of subject represents for research has motivated reflection in genre studies, giving visibility to the subject, providing personal links with the object under study, and giving life and foundations to that object. In this article I present the methodology of assisted autobiography as a resource to trace the origin, give context to the topic of investigation and recover the forgotten bonds of the subject with the research topic –the object under study– which is removed in the way of “subjective unpolluting” which is frequently demanded from academic work.



How to Cite

McPhail Fanger, E. (2006). Autobiografías y género. Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (51), 93–114. Retrieved from