De la Guerra Fría al Choque de Civilizaciones
Nacionalismo y milenarismo en la obra de Samuel P. Huntington
In his extended academic trajectory, S.P. Huntington has produced a work that has unique relevance for the contemporary debates in political science. In this essay two readings are developed: on the one hand, the point is to understand his work in its own terms, identifying its central ideas and its theoretical and political orientation; on the other, the aim is to develop a critical analysis of these very ideas and orientations. The open controversial and polemic character of the author makes the reading of his work a stimulating exercise for critical thinking and an inevitable reference on the current debates about political development, democracy,multiculturalism and American foreign policy.
How to Cite
Campuzano Volpe, F. (2008). De la Guerra Fría al Choque de Civilizaciones: Nacionalismo y milenarismo en la obra de Samuel P. Huntington. Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (54), 141–165. Retrieved from