Los dilemas de la nueva izquierda gobernante en América Latina
After two decades of neoliberalism, a wave of leftist governments Shakes Latin America. Just one half a decade, they have been transforming the political geography and this situation states four questions: 1. In what sense can one speak about of homogeneous left-wave of new Latin American governments? 2. Will they mean a change in the ways of making politics? 3. To what extent will they give an efficient solution to the social crisis of the post market reforms stage? 4. Which are the main ideas and principles in order to govern greater part of Latin America from now to the next future? In order to approach these questions, do we explore “models of governability” that rise in Latin American, taking into account three dimensions: the institutional, the public policy dimension and the symbolic one. Conclusions –temporary given the recent events–, states that we are in front of a decisive process for the history of the Latin American left.