De la resistencia al poder

Articulación y repertorios indígenas en la lucha por el poder político: el ensayo boliviano


  • Araceli Burguete


This collaboration examines repertoires of action collective which they were unfolded by the indigenous movement at Bolivia in the cycle of resistance 2000-2005, that lead among other things, to the ascent of Evo Morales to the presidency of the Republic of that country. The slight knowledge of “marks of collective action” (Tarrow, 2004) and of “territorialized technologies of indigenous resistance” of Mamani (2006), guide the search of these repertoires, whose practices are distinguished according to the regional location of micro powers, leaderships and indigenous organizations, scattered in the different ecological floors from Bolivia.



How to Cite

Burguete, A. (2008). De la resistencia al poder: Articulación y repertorios indígenas en la lucha por el poder político: el ensayo boliviano. Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (55), 51–73. Retrieved from