Crisis masivas
¿sacrificio del sujeto o llamado a la ética?
misery of masses, subject, discomfort, ideal, leaderAbstract
A proposal that focuses in the subject as gravitational center, his present circumstance, and the possibilities for his development in a globalized world, cannot ignore Sigmund Freud’s reflection related to the conflicted tension in which the bond between the subject and the culture develops. This article will particularly approach the critical state of discomfort produced by the tension mentioned before, denominated psychological misery of masses. It will be reflected, out of this deficiency condition, the critical situation human kind goes through; torn apart by the excesses committed in the search of a well-being ideal that has being shown in the same measure that has stopped giving what promised: happiness and satisfaction. The present circumstances indicate that the subject and the human kind arrived to the point of taking responsibility of the misery and the crisis, but we observe that the accountability is not commanded by the reason and the individual ethics, but by the fear, the fragility and the neglect caused by the collapse of those ideals that will be put in doubt if we can recognize in them something of our own: desire, misery and discomfort.
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