Tipos de estructura social

en la vida rural francesa


  • Marc Bloch


To begin with, Marc Bloch warns that it is “the peasants that must be spoken of”. To speak of the peasant in singular leads to misconception, and in addition means to ignore France’s history. Everything is important to Bloch: medieval clearing of land for settlement, village design, the type of soils, the conditions of the terrain; the peasant population, the lords, laborers, rural solidarity. The differences of wealth brings about individualism but with it, also comes the community. And Bloch concludes that it is the peasants’ task to adapt to the “new times”.

Author Biography

Marc Bloch

Historiador (1886-1944). Fundador, junto con Lucien Febvre, de la revista Annales d’Histoire Économique et Sociale (1929). Autor de Los reyes taumaturgos (1924); Los caracteres originales de la historia rural francesa (1931); La extraña derrota (1946), Introducción a la Historia (Apologie pour l’histoire ou métier d’historien) (1949), entre sus obras principales.



How to Cite

Bloch, M. (2012). Tipos de estructura social: en la vida rural francesa. Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (69), 101–110. Retrieved from https://argumentos.xoc.uam.mx/index.php/argumentos/article/view/247