La revuelta como renovación de la amistad
rejection, #YoSoy132, revolt, friendship, political actionAbstract
The concept of rejection as proposed by Blanchot is, at the same time, a singular and collective expression in the emergence of social movements, which allows us to conduct research on the relationship that is established with another through this common experience of saying “no”. The analysis of this social bond, on which friendships are built, makes it possible not only to approach the understanding of its constituent features but it also allows us to question the conditions under which it occurs. In order to do this, the experience of the #YoSoy132 movement functions as the basis for thinking that revolts as well as the emergence of contemporary social movements cannot be analyzed merely as rational exercises of collective action. It is necessary to consider the roles of attraction and the constitution of friendship bonds into propitiating closeness and joint action. It is our stance that, rather than considering them as elements that respond to a rationality of action, relationships are renewed by the common experience of transgression, to the extent that they set a field of shared experience on which to build political action.
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