The materialist idealism of Marx

The Hegelian heritage of the Critique of political economy


  • Gerardo Ávalos Tenorio Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Xochimilco



Marx, Hegel, Hegelian Logic, Critique of Political Economy


This article examines some aspects of the complex relationship between Marx’s thought and Hegel’s philosophy. The thesis that is supported is that Marx is indebted to the Hegelian dialectic in the construction of his Critique of Political Economy, and that recognizing this means maintaining that the great work of the Thinker of Trier is inscribed in the register of political philosophy. The reason is that Capital is the name of the contradictory relationship of work with itself, which is equivalent to showing that it is power invested with authority.

Author Biography

Gerardo Ávalos Tenorio, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Xochimilco

Doctor en ciencia política por la UNAM. Profesor-investigador adscrito al Departamento de Relaciones Sociales, de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Xochimilco. Investigador nacional (SNI) nivel 2. Sus libros más recientes son Ética y política en Karl Marx (UAM/Terracota, 2021); La filosofía política de Marx (Herder, 2022). 



How to Cite

Ávalos Tenorio, G. (2022). The materialist idealism of Marx: The Hegelian heritage of the Critique of political economy. Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (98), 69–89.