Émile Durkheim

civilización, descivilización y barbarie


  • Enrique Guerra Manzo


Émile Durkheim, civilization, decivilization, barbarism, ollective effervescence


This  paper  analyses  the  links  between  Civilization,  Decivilization  and  Barbarism  in  Émile  Durkheim’s  Sociology.  First,  it  shows  how  he  understands  the  relationship  individual-society,  because  this  are  the  cornerstone  of  his  Sociology.  Second,  it  examines  three  axes  intertwined in his theory: civilization, social cohesion and moral discipline. Finally, it concludes with the way in Durkheim all the social refers to symbolization process connect with collective effervescence.



How to Cite

Enrique Guerra Manzo, . (2015). Émile Durkheim: civilización, descivilización y barbarie. Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (79), 35–56. Retrieved from https://argumentos.xoc.uam.mx/index.php/argumentos/article/view/106