El concepto de reificación en Lukács, una reconstrucción desde la Escuela de Frankfurt


  • Aldo Rabiela Beretta


reification, Lukács, Honneth, Habermas, capitalism critique


This article offers a reconstruction of Lukács’s concept of reification. The argumentation retrieves important elements of the interpretations that both Habermas and more recently Honneth have developed on the subject. The theoretical reconstruction strategy reclaims Lukács’s notion of relationship forms, in order to clarify the point of departure that the author presupposes. Subsequently a definition of reification is developed, which is later complemented by the explanation of its two main features, fragmentation experience and contemplative behavior. The result allows to outline a novel type of capitalism critique that recovers the validity of the lukacsian argument, within the Frankfurt tradition.


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How to Cite

Rabiela Beretta, A. (2016). El concepto de reificación en Lukács, una reconstrucción desde la Escuela de Frankfurt. Argumentos Estudios críticos De La Sociedad, (80), 219–235. Retrieved from https://argumentos.xoc.uam.mx/index.php/argumentos/article/view/100